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What Causes Driver Fatigue

There is not one thing that actually causes fatigue and it is usually a number of contributing factors to driver fatigue. People generally need between seven and eight hours of continuous sleep every night to ensure that they are well

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Preventing Fatigue in the Workplace

Fatigue can have catastrophic consequences in the workplace if it is not addressed and as with anything it is much better and easier to prevent fatigue that to treat it in workers after it has occurred. WorkCover NSW has a

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How to set up a fatigue risk management system in your workplace

It is not only in the best interest of every workplace to manage fatigue but it is also a requirement under the Work Health and Safety legislation to ensure that the health and welfare of workers is looked after. What

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How to Treat Fatigue with Natural Solutions

Are you suffering from what you think is fatigue? Are you always tired and feel that you could just fall asleep at any moment? Is it difficult for you to think clearly and even the simplest decisions seem too difficult?

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How to know when you are suffering from workplace fatigue

The longer that you are fatigued the harder it is to identify that there is an issue and therefore it becomes increasingly difficult to solve. The first step to understanding that you may have an issue is knowing what fatigue

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